12.2 C
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Operation Delta Safe Destroyed Ibaa Illegal Refinery…

Operation Delta Safe has destroyed an illegal refinery at Ibaa, Rivers State. Rear Adm. Olusegun Ferreira, the Commander of Operation Delta Safe, confirmed this during a pressing briefing at the illegal refinery site. During the brief, he appreciated the effort of the troops who embarked on the operation. He also emphasised the headquarters’ expectation to stop the criminal elements who sabotage the oil and gas infrastructure.

The Commander further explained Operation Delta Safe’s (OpDS) task to protect the Oil and Gas infrastructure in Niger Delta for economic activities to strive. As part of the mandate, ODS is meant to deter the activities of criminal elements with illegal refinery sites like the one at Ibaa we just destroyed. This is in line with pursuant of the mandate of the OpDS.
